Salish Lodge & Spa


Salish Lodge and Spa is a beautiful resort out in Snoqualmie, WA. Offering a true Pacific Northwest Feeling, Blackrock was offered an amazing opportunity to help build some key items for the resort. 


One key item we got had the pleasure to work on was the bathroom vanities and mirrors. Found in every room of the resort, our experts took a custom design made from scratch and made it into a reality.

Pieced together with the elements of wood and metal, the vanities were moved to our finish shop and completed with a 4 layer finishing technique to give it a unique style that the client envisioned.

As for the mirrors, our talented welders pieced together ideas and finally found the perfect metal fabricated round mirror.

Deluxe_Guestroom_Interior View.jpg

Another big item found in the rooms of Salish Lodge are the mantels placed above the fire place. With a similar finish technique as the vanities, each mantel is painted differently to give each room a feel as though it's unique and different from the rest. 

Planning a big event, or maybe just looking for a get away? Go check out Salish Lodge yourself and see the beauty they have to offer!